With over twenty years of non-profit and federal government service, my heart is to equip, empower, and educate humanity on taking authority over our stories - personally and professionally. A masters in Human Relations-Counseling also helps this Colorado girl have faith that we can ALL live in the fullness of love and joy when we take captive the lies we believe about our identities, our brokenness, our purpose, and our stories. “Life is tough, but so are you.” Kid President

Others have hurt me. I’ve hurt others. That’s not the story—Nobody will find a victim mentality or a prison of shame here. Embracing the lessons in brokenness and the redemption of our stories—what it means to be fully alive, fully human. LoveJoyCO inspires that we no longer have to be slaves to the pains of our past. We can CHOOSE to be set free from the lies about who the world says we are. We can rewrite our story’s end. Hope for a redeemed future is in our DNA.

In terms of my calling, I’m here to love the unlovable. I desire to inspire mankind to treat others as a blessing, not a burden. Choosing joy when surrounded by despair. Speaking life through encouraging others. Helping brothers and sisters in humanity embrace the truth. Gratitude. Offering peace and rest when the world’s falling apart. Eternity planted in the human heart. Sharing hope. Shining light. Breaking up with shame. Blessing others out of our abundance. Contagious enthusiasm and passion. Authenticity and vulnerability. Forgiveness. Mental Toughness. Extending Grace. Believing the best in each other. Being vs. doing. Adapting and overcoming. Loving God, Loving People. Living in Freedom. Instead of lamenting “Why me?” believing we are the authors of our own destiny, rather than allowing a victim mentality to reign. We get to choose to believe we have a Heavenly Father—a God who loves us, keeps His promises, and we can trust.

I earned the nickname Kim Possible (KP) by a five year old who was convinced that I could do ANYTHING. The nickname stuck as my LOVE and JOY managed to keep me anchored to victory during many times of personal trauma and adversity. One of my most precious memories when stationed in Turkey was an incredible tour of the amazing historic sites of the Seven Churches of Revelation: Truly, a joy to behold that solidified the redemptive promise of the hope for my future and my OVERCOMER story.

“To him who overcomes (is victorious) I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give that person a white stone with a new name written on it. Rev 2:17 KP LoveJoy

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
— Martha Washington

Maximizer: Build on Strengths - Good to Great Exhortation: Encourage - Be All You’re Created To Be Adaptability: Go With Flow - One Day At A Time Connectedness: Bridge Builder - Purpose and Reason Positivity: Contagious Enthusiasm - Generous Praise Wisdom/Discernment: Right Thing, Right Time Empathy: Care for the Hurting - Compassion Shepherd: Love - Give - Serve - Guide