Thank you for visiting the online and mobile resources published by LoveJoyCO, LLC. This privacy policy discloses our privacy practices and applies solely to information collected by this website. Contained herein, you will find notice about what types of personal information we collect, how we use it, who we share it with and why, and what we do to try to protect it. We encourage you to read this carefully as it will notify you of the following:

  • What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the website, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.

  • What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.

  • The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.

  • How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.

What do we collect?

There are two types of information that we obtain from you online and then store and use:

  • non-personal information that’s collected automatically from each visitor, such as your device operating system; and

  • personal information that you voluntarily provide to us or that is collected automatically.

How do we use it?

We use non-personal information to administer our online and mobile resources, make them better, and to make business decisions about what programs our customers might like.

We use voluntarily provided personal information to respond to your inquiries and provide you with the services you have requested. Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, and changes to this privacy policy.

When do we share it?

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We share personal information when needed to fulfill our legal obligations and when our vendors and business partners need it to perform under the contracts we have with them. We will not sell or rent your personal information to any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. to ship an order.

Your Privacy Choices and Rights

You do not have to provide personal information to enjoy most of the features of our online and mobile resources. Moreover, you can opt out of certain activities like newsletters and announcements. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you.


We collect personal information from four groups of data subjects:

  • visitors to, and users of, our online and mobile resources

  • our customers

  • current members of our workforce and those who apply for posted jobs

  • our third party vendors and business partners

The categories of information we collect from each of these groups, and the ways in which we use it, differs and it’s possible that the same person could fall into more than one group. Most of this statement addresses our processing and sharing of personal information collected from visitors to and users of our online and mobile resources and our customers.


Generally, we collect personal information through automated/technical means and when you voluntarily provide it to us. We describe that type of voluntary submission immediately below. By using our online and mobile resources or purchasing our products or services, you are signifying to us that you agree with this section of our privacy statement and that we may use and disclose your information as described.

Voluntarily Submitted Information. 

If you participate in certain activities via our resources, you may be asked to provide us with information about yourself. The types of personal information we collect in those situations includes identifiers (such as your name, email address, physical address, and phone number), professional information (such as the business you are in), and financial account information (such as your credit card information).

For example, if you choose to send us an email or fill out an online form, you are voluntarily providing personal information. In doing so, you agree that we have a reasonable and lawful basis (to provide, maintain, and enhance the online and mobile resources and our product and service offerings, create reports on usage of the online and mobile resources, perform our contractual obligations, inform our marketing efforts, comply with law, satisfy our legitimate business interests, etc.) on which to collect, use, and disclose that information for the purpose it is requested and for other reasonable internal business purposes. We do not sell, rent, or trade voluntarily submitted personal information with third parties.  

If you don’t want us to collect this type of information, please don’t provide it. This means you may choose not to participate in the activities on our online and mobile resources that request or require it. Not participating may limit your ability to take full advantage of the online and mobile resources, but it will not affect your ability to access certain information available to the general public on the online and mobile resources.

Here are some of the ways you voluntarily give us your personal information and how we use it:

  • Emails and Online Forms – When you send us an email or fill out an online form, your email address and any other personal information (e.g., home address or phone number) that may be in the content of your message or attached to it, are retained by us and used to respond back directly to you and to process your request. Depending on the personal information provided, communications from us may be in the form of emails, telephone calls, and/or text messages. We may also send you information about any of our products or services we think may be of interest to you.

  • Registering for an Account  When you register for an account, you provide us with personal information such as your name and email address. We retain that information to create and manage your account and in some cases establish a password and profile to communicate with you via email.  

  • Registering for Events – When you register for events, conferences or programs we ourselves may host, you are submitting the types of identifiers described above. If the event requires a fee, you will also be asked to submit credit card or other financial information. We use this information to register you for the event and share communications regarding the event.

  • Becoming a Subscriber to Our Service – If you choose to become a customer of our product or service offerings, you will be required to enter into agreement outlined in our Terms of Service. We use any information provided by our customers to perform our contractual obligations, to provide products and services purchased, to manage accounts, and to communicate with them.

  • Social Media and Community Features – Some of our online and mobile resources may offer social media-like community features that allow users to post messages and comments, and/or upload image or other files and materials. If you choose to make use of these features, the information you post, including your screen name and any other personal information, will be in the public domain and not covered/protected by this statement.

Automatically Collected Information.

When you visit our online and mobile resources, basic information is passively collected through your web browser via use of tracking technologies, such as a “cookie” which is a small text file that is downloaded onto your computer or mobile device when you access the online and mobile resources. It allows us to recognize your computer or mobile device and store some information about your preferences or past actions. Like most websites, we allow third party vendors to use cookies or similar technologies to collect information about your browsing activities to help us analyze how you use our resources and to further enhance your experience when you visit our online and mobile resources.

The internet activity information collected through cookies and other means includes such things as:

  • the domain name and IP address from which you accessed our online and mobile resources;

  • the type of browser and operating system you use;

  • the date and time and length of your visit;

  • the specific page visited, graphics viewed and any documents downloaded;

  • the specific links to other sites you accessed from our online and mobile resources; and

  • the specific links from other sites you used to access our online and mobile resources.

Additionally, if you access our online and mobile resources from a phone or other mobile device the mobile services provider may transmit to us uniquely identifiable mobile device information which allows us to then collect mobile phone numbers and associate them with the mobile device identification information. Some mobile phone vendors also operate systems that utilized geolocation services to pinpoint the physical location of devices and we may receive this information as well if location services are enabled on your device. If you do not want us to collect and utilize this kind of data, you should disable location services through your device settings.

Regardless, we use both automatically collected information and mobile device information to compile generic reports about popular pages on our online and mobile resources, and to see how our customers and followers are accessing our online and mobile resources. We then use that data to administer the online and mobile resources and make them better, make your activities more convenient and efficient, and to enhance the functionality of our online and mobile resources. We use and retain your personal information in accordance with applicable law and as long as necessary to carry out the purposes described above in accordance with our internal data retention procedures.

User Beware: External Sites, Apps, Links and Social Media.

We maintain a presence on one or more external social media platforms. We may further allow community features of our online and mobile resources to connect with, or be viewable from, that external social media presence. Similarly, our online and mobile resources may contain links to other websites or apps controlled by third parties.

We are not responsible for either the content on, or the privacy practices of, social media platforms, or any third party sites or apps to which we link. Those apps, sites and platforms are not controlled by us and therefore have their own privacy policies and terms of use. To be clear: neither this statement nor the terms of service appearing on or in any of our online and mobile resources apply to our social media presence or any third party sites or apps to which we may link. That means if identifiers about you are automatically collected and given to us as a result, that collection and transfer is governed by the privacy policies and other terms of the applicable social media platform and are not our responsibility. If you have questions about how those apps, sites and platforms collect and use personal information, you should carefully read their privacy policies and contact them using the information they provide.


Legally Compelled Disclosures.

We may disclose your information, including personal information, to government authorities, and other third parties when compelled to do so by such government authorities, or at our discretion or otherwise as required or permitted by law, including but not limited to responding to court orders and subpoenas.

To Prevent Harm.

We may disclose your information, including personal information, when we have reason to believe that someone is causing injury to or interference with our rights or property, other users of the online and mobile resources, or anyone else that could be harmed by such activities.

Vendors and Business Partners.

We may share your information, including personal information, with our vendors and other third parties with whom we have a contractual relationship. Examples of the categories of third parties with whom we share your information with and why include the vendors from whom we obtain technology and infrastructure services to host our online and mobile resources, perform credit card processing, API integration, and data analytics services. We do our best to disclose only the information each of those parties need.

As part of our security program, we adopted standards for those vendors and business partners who receive personal information from us. Such standards include expectations that when we share personal information with our vendors and business partners, they will comply with all applicable privacy and data security laws and regulations and our security program, and will contractually require and cause their subcontractors and agents to do the same. We further attempt to contractually restrict what our vendors and business partners can do with the personal information we provide to them such that it:

  • is used only to the extent necessary to carry out the business purpose for which it was provided

  • is not disclosed to anyone else without our consent or under our instruction

  • remains, as between us and the applicable vendor or business partner, our property

  • is not transferred out of the United States without our consent

Despite our best intentions, it is important to note that we cannot guarantee our vendors and business partners will abide by the standards and requirements we have in place; nor can we ensure that, even when they do agree, they will always be in full compliance.


If we are using personal information you provided us for the purpose of sending you materials, such as newsletters or product alerts, and you decide you don’t want to receive such materials, you may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. When we receive your request, we will take reasonable steps to remove your name from our distribution lists. Please understand it may take a period of time to remove your name from our lists after your request and due to such latency you may still receive materials for a period of time after you opt out. In addition to opting out, you also have the ability to access, update, and delete your personal information by contacting us. While some browsers have a “do not track” feature that lets you tell websites that you do not want to have your online activities tracked. At this time, we do not specifically respond to browser “do not track” signals.


Our website and all references contained within are intended for adults over the age of 18. Federal law imposes special restrictions and obligations on commercial website operators who direct their operations toward, and collect and use information from, children under the age of 13. We take those age-related requirements very seriously, and do not intend for our online and mobile resources to be used by minors, especially children <13 without obtaining verifiable consent of that child’s parent/legal guardian. We do not knowingly collect personal information from minors, especially <13 and there should be no reason a parent/legal guardian cannot obtain the necessary information for their minor child. If we become aware that a minor submitted personal information to our site, we will delete that information and will not use it for any purpose whatsoever. If you believe someone under the age of 18 submitted personal information through our site, please inform us immediately. Further, we encourage parents and legal guardians to talk with their children about the potential risks of providing personal information over the Internet and visiting sites without parental consent.


Data Security Program

We take reasonable security precautions to protect your personal information, especially any financial information to comply with rules of the leading credit card networks. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

In compliance with all regulations and standards, we have adopted, implemented and maintain a corporate information security program that includes technical, organizational, administrative, and other security measures designed to protect, in a manner consistent with accepted industry standards and applicable law, against anticipated or actual threats to the security of all personal information. Our website and mobile platform use HTTPS and other security best practices to protect your personal information. We cannot, however, guarantee that your information, whether during transmission or while stored on our systems or otherwise in our care, will be free from unauthorized access or that loss, misuse, destruction, or alteration will not occur. Except for our duty to maintain our security program under applicable law, we disclaim any other liability for any such theft or loss of, unauthorized access or damage to, or interception of any data or communications including personal information. While we have every reason to believe our security program is reasonable and appropriate for our business and the nature of foreseeable risks to the personal information we collect, we periodically review and update our security program in alignment with applicable law.

Despite our significant investment and commitment to our security program , we cannot guarantee that your personal information, whether during transmission or while stored on our systems, otherwise in our care, or the care of our vendors and business partners, will be free from either failed or successful attempts at unauthorized access or that loss or accidental destruction will never occur. Except for our duty under applicable law to maintain the security program , we necessarily disclaim, to the maximum extent the law allows, any other liability for any such theft or loss of, unauthorized access or damage to, or interception of any data or communications including personal information.

As part of our security program, unique procedures will be activated if we become aware that personal information was potentially compromised. Those procedures include mechanisms to provide notice to all affected data subjects within the timeframes required by law, as well as to give them such other mitigation and protection services (such as credit monitoring and ID theft insurance) that may be required by law. Additionally, as part of our vendor oversight procedures, we require that such parties notify us immediately if they have any reason to believe an incident adversely affecting personal information provided by us has occurred


We reserve the right to change or update this statement as necessary. Please check our resources periodically for changes since all information collected is subject to the statement in place at that time. Typically, we will indicate the effective date at the beginning of this statement. If required by law, we’ll also provide a summary of changes we’ve made near the end of the new statement.


If you have questions about our privacy policy or privacy practices, please contact us at:

LoveJoyCO, LLC

PO Box 6555

Colorado Springs, CO 80934