Aligning with the teachings found in “A Dangerous Trap,” join LoveJoyCO in opportunities for income and impact! Whether you learn these strategies for yourself or you want to take part in content licensing opportunities to teach, give, and show others step-by-step concepts taught in 1. Dangerous, 2. The Darkness of Desire, 3. A Dangerous Trap, and 4. Million Dollar Product Launch.


It’s No Secret Men Are Under Attack…

What if a GOOD man is a DANGEROUS man who keeps that under voluntary control?

What do Jordan Peterson, Napoleon Hill, John Eldredge, Jesus Christ, and others have in common when it comes to the GOODNESS of being a man? What if we could change the narrative to focus on the positive elements of what it means to be a man? What it all the GOODNESS of men was honored and appreciated? What if there were men willing to step into the fullness of who they are each created to be? What if women respected and honored the creative brilliance of what it means to be innately masculine? Join us as we break all of this down in the Dangerous Battle Blueprint where we invite you to discover what it means to be dangerous in a world where everyone wants to play it safe.

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Learn about the sexual landscape of a pornified planet through keynote storytelling, webinars, workshops, etc.

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A Dangerous Trap

Adventurous 8-12 year olds are lead into the murky pit of pornography in this true story. Guide young minds with helpful tools to understand brain science to protect from the dangers lurking online. Don’t let the Pandora’s box of predators, pedophiles, and pornography shape your child’s sexuality.