Spiritual: 1 Hour Webinar/Workshop - Pick Your Topic

Spiritual: 1 Hour Webinar/Workshop - Pick Your Topic


So what about you? Where is YOUR OVERCOMER STORY?

If you’re ready to get control of your life, your purpose, your connection, and your provision, keep reading.

A majority of humans do not have a mission plan to get from Point A to Point B. They don't have a method for overcoming obstacles and removing roadblocks. Most wish for the best while they hope to stumble into successful living.

Be honest with yourself.

Could you use a guide? Would a coach be helpful? Can a champion cheer for you?

I created a CUSTOM-TAILORED road map - so you can know your destination, discover a compass, and utilize your anchor when the storms of life hit hard --- like they did in 2020.

And, now here's something we hope you'll REALLY like!

You asked...and now, the moment you've been waiting for:

**BRAND NEW** invitation to the first five who respond

With over 70% off, you can invest in your best!

Now is your chance to work ONE-ON-ONE with me on YOUR OVERCOMER STORY as you propel into PURPOSE-CONNECTION-PROVISION. With my one week intensive you'll kickstart your creative brilliance/business/side hustle/hobby through 4 one-on-one sessions and targeted missions to advance your readiness. You'll get my "million dollar product launch" where I personally teach YOU 40+ revenue generating ideas tailored to YOUR OVERCOMER STORY --- for a tiny investment of only $997.

If you've always dreamed of sharing your creative brilliance with the world...If you are tired of being resigned to a life of perpetual inconsequence...If you need someone who will LOVE YOU as she analyzes YOUR life, your story, your creative brilliance, your side hustle/hobby/business idea, and gives you a detailed plan of how to get where you want to go, today's your day!

Stop the guessing and gambling.

Like Dave Ramsey says about the lottery being "a tax on the poor" you need to stop hoping something will work out when the odds are stacked ridiculously against you.

At LoveJoyCO, I call it LIFETIME MISSION READINESS and this is a HUGE component of your roadmap to what I call, Your Best You!

Through tools I've created in spiritual, vocational, financial, mental, relational, and physical wellness, I would LOVE to be your sherpa to get you up the mountain to impact, influence, and income.

An expert who peeks over your shoulder and help you stay on track with affirmation and encouragement and appropriately timed pivots.

This insane offer is less than my professional fees for JUST the coaching alone. So here’s the deal...

If you are ready to LIVE FULLY REVIVED in YOUR OVERCOMER STORY and you believe you have something to share with the world, I'd LOVE to have the JOY of coaching you to overwhelming success.

It doesn't matter if you're a stay-at-home mom, a coach, a baker, an athlete, an artist, a teacher, a podcaster, a dancer, a financial planner, a realtor, an entrepreneur, etc. If you have a super power (and we all do), it's time you shared it with the world!


Lives are being changed right now in the course, coaching, and consulting niche --- I'm here to help you do the same.

CUSTOM TAILORED to YOUR SPECIFIC super powers, goals, and targets. Battle-tested mission plan to help you get where you want to go in small bite-sized chunks and targeted assignments. Unheard of "ON DEMAND” access to my one-on-one coaching.

I will be with you every step of the way.

Better than my Mastermind Groups, you get me ALL TO YOURSELF!

Click Here - Get >70% Off RIDICULOUS Deal

**Because of the 1:1 nature of this special limited offer, I can only work with a small number of clients, so this offer ends on 24 October and is appropriately named First Five because that is the number of amazing OVERCOMERS who jumped on the chance to invest in the best and propel into YOUR OVERCOMER STORY! Will you be one of the five?

If you’re ready to invest and believe in yourself, don't delay...act today!

And, in case I didn't emphasize it already, I don't typically do one-on-one coaching, so my tip is this: Don’t wait - these spots won’t last.

Click here to invest in this AMAZING opportunity! (Don't forget to enter the offer code FIRSTFIVE - otherwise you will be charged the inaugural price of $3497. You don't want to miss your >70% discount!

Talk soon!

Okay...I get it. Maybe you still are not be ready to make the investment into YOUR OVERCOMER STORY. That's okay if you missed that opportunity. Here's another special deal on my Million Dollar Product Launch that everyone can afford.

Click Here - Get Your Million Dollar Product Launch

Living in the fullness of LOVE and JOY,

Kimberly "KP" LoveJoyFounder, LoveJoyCO

PS: If you have any questions before you commit, call me at 412-568-3569 (412-Love-Joy)
PSS: To avoid missing any of our emails, please make sure to whitelist our emails by moving our emails from the "Promotions" category into your primary email folder.

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