"Your Overcomer Story" One Day Workshop - Colorado Springs, CO (Various Dates - As Your Schedule Allows)

"Your Overcomer Story" One Day Workshop - Colorado Springs, CO (Various Dates - As Your Schedule Allows)


Have you ever believed a lie?

Click here to learn more and reserve one of the limited spaces for “Your Overcomer Story.” Taken from our intensive 8 week coaching program, join us for the condensed one day workshops.

When the lies we love become the lies we live, even the good things in our lives can keep us from living in the fullness of the overcomer stories God marked out for each of us before we were born.

Isn’t it about time we get to the roots of what’s holding us back?

What if you could learn how to hear from God about the roadblocks in your life that are keeping you from living fully revived in your overcomer story? What if you could learn how to remove those obstacles and live in the fullness of His LOVE and JOY?

What if you could learn how to replace the lies and fall in love with the truth of who He says you are and why you are here so you could live a life of purpose, impact, and provision?

LJC is inviting a handful to join us for our one day “Your Overcomer Story” workshop.

You’ll receive all the tools and resources you need to reset your identity to understand the lies you love and embrace the truth of who God says you are.

Join us and discover your true identity so you can live fully revived in your overcomer story.

In this transformative one day workshop, you’ll gain LJC’s process and all the course content so you can learn, leverage, and live fully revived in your overcomer story. And, because I believe the day is not complete without God’s spiritual breakthroughs, I’ll be praying and fasting for you before then. If you don’t receive a breakthrough in “Your Overcomer Story,” you’ll have a 100% refund with no questions asked.

By the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony, we WILL overcome and the enemy will flee from the recesses of our stories so we can take hold of the truth intended for our victory.

*Continental breakfast and lunch provided in this all day quarterly event offered in Feb, May, Aug, and Nov.

**Coordination for workshop scheduling details will be sent upon registration.

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